How Our Lab Works

Goals and Expectations

What You Shall Strive to Achieve:

  • Dive deeply into the latest research trends and methodologies to stay at the forefront of our field.
  • Build a strong foundation in both theoretical and practical aspects relevant to our research.
  • Aim to pass the Qualifying Exam showcasing significant progress.
  • Develop and present a compelling thesis that effectively communicates your major discoveries.

Research Quality and Integrity:

  • We prioritize the quality of research over the quantity of publications. Exceptional researchers may have fewer publications, focusing instead on depth and significance.
  • I will provide thorough support throughout your journey, from developing ideas to sharing your findings, while upholding the highest standards of academic integrity.
  • Progression through milestones like the Qualifying Exam and thesis defense will reflect your true capabilities and readiness.

Support Available:

  • Expect weekly 30-minute one-on-one meetings for detailed discussions and personalized support. These sessions are collaborative; think of me more as a senior colleague than a supervisor.
  • Access expert networks for collaboration and advice, especially when facing challenges outside my direct expertise.
  • Receive guidance on publication and presentation opportunities to boost your visibility and impact.

Detailed Protocols

Writing Research Papers:

  • Receive detailed guidance while drafting your first paper to learn the academic writing norms specific to our field.
  • For subsequent papers, take the lead in drafting, using the skills you’ve developed to independently articulate your research.
  • Continuous feedback will be provided to ensure your work meets our community’s standards.

Flexible Working Hours:

  • Your hours are flexible, with the expectation that you:
    • Meet all deadlines and remain productive.
    • Attend all required meetings unless excused.
    • Communicate openly about your schedule and availability.

Regular Lab Meetings:

  • Attend mandatory biweekly seminars on Friday afternoons, where each member presents research from top-tier conferences.
  • Presenters rotate, ensuring everyone gains experience in leading scholarly discussions.
  • Use these sessions to update the group on your projects and gather feedback.

Grant Proposal Opportunities:

  • You may be invited to help draft grant proposals if the topics align closely with your research. This is voluntary.
  • Such involvement can significantly enhance your understanding of funding mechanisms and the broader research impact.
  • The decision to participate will always respect your current commitments and research focus.

Work-Life Balance

Effective Communication

Task Management with Asana