Our group thrives at the intersection of data-intensive applications and systems. We navigate the complex landscape defined by the three Vs of data: Volume, Velocity, and Variety (see our briefying slides). Our recent focus is on pioneering in the dual realms of Data Management on New Hardware and Database meets Artificial Intelligence (DB4AI & AI4DB). If you like to join our team, please first answer a few questions in questionnaire.

Data Management on New Hardware (DaMoN)

Database meets Artificial Intelligence (DB4AI & AI4DB)

At any time, we have a limited number of slots available. Unfortunately, we cannot respond to every message we receive. To help manage the process, we are using the questionnaire. We guarantee we will read the responses to this form but cannot guarantee a response. However, an impressive set of answers to this questionnaire is much more likely to result in a response than almost all other forms of contact.

If you are interested in pursuing graduate studies at NTU, please apply at the portal.


A collaborate work Low-Latency Video Conferencing via Optimized Packet Routing and Reordering is accepted to IEEE IWQoS 2024! Congrats to Prof.Amelie Chi Zhou

We have announced a lab regulations about how our lab works.

One paper CStream: Parallel Data Stream Compression on Multicore Edge Devices is accepted to TKDE! Congrats to Xianzhi Zeng! This is the third 1st author top-tier publication since Xianzhi joined the team in late 2021.

One paper Fast Parallel Recovery for Transactional Stream Processing on Multicores is accepted to ICDE 2024! Congrats to the visiting PhD student Jianjun Zhao

A collaborate work Data-Aware Adaptive Compression for Stream Processing is accepted to TKDE! Congrats to Prof.Feng Zhang

One paper MorphStream: Scalable Processing of Transactions over Streams is accepted to ICDE 2024 (Demo)! Congrats to Siqi Xiang, Zhonghao Yang and others!

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